The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 27,266 - Aug 26 2013

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Clues Answers
A drop of drink, right? TEAR
A gardener should get it up before it gets down THISTLE
A graduate ordered don to clear off ABSCOND
Churned up mud at starting line DATUM
Distinctions that have to be fought for BATTLEHONOURS
Doubter is disposed to be intrusive OBTRUDE
Drama students are resolute PREPAREDTOACT
Drive away from Soho SHOO
Go, but don't go ahead TURN
Graduate and get dead drunk PASSOUT
Hold a strong position KEEP
It provides no latitude for the navigator EQUATOR
Look after new hotel for a dramatic character OTHELLO
Look noble PEER
Near understanding? INSIGHT
Clues Answers
One may peg out playing it CROQUET
One's health-giving cooking device TOASTER
Passage straight from the pamphlet EXTRACT
Pet duck LOVE
Polish female to ring back SHELLAC
Possibly dreams about one getting honours ADMIRES
Radiant woman goes up West AGLOW
Result of choosing the wrong type for the job? PRINTERSERROR
Riddle -- what was the craft of the Jumblies? SIEVE
Soundly ridicules appearance GUISE
Test centre where players try to stay in shape OVAL
The only thing a defeated army can beat RETREAT
Up in arms RAMPANT
Various upsets requiring rescuer SAVIOUR
Warns guides ADVISES
Well-established business FIRM