The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 1,080 - Nov 7 2013

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Clues Answers
Affirmative answers being found in heart of Harley Street YESSES
African prince has mixed cases for fish RASCASSE
Angry soldier eating one's roll CROISSANT
Aristocrat beginning to eat potato dish DUCHESSE
Cough needs fresh tissues with no end of resistance TUSSIS
Despicable behaviour showing girl's in confusion MEANNESS
Disturbing sound in tape unit for French ballet CASSENOISETTE
Famous writer -- he's grabbing female's end HESSE
Famous writer's improper AMISS
Female forecaster always in short session SEERESS
Have a meal in German city ESSEN
International organisation's fidelity to audience is loosened UNTRUSSED
Kill with spear because age is deforming ASSEGAI
Killing donkey is against new orders ASSASSINATING
Clues Answers
Maintain wild stares ASSERT
Neutral state of high energy on steamer GREYNESS
Painted brilliantly, which is also commented on GLOSSED
Petitions about cricket club initially slow prosperity SUCCESS
Predatory insect's advanced in part of log MANTISSA
Rocks start to seem unnecessary NEEDLESS
Soften cooked sausage ASSUAGE
Southern capitals getting covered in dust? Exactly ASSUCH
Stewardess with close shave? AIRMISS
Take for granted bird's sex appeal is returning ASSUME
The copy about slippery eels is missing set subject THEMELESS
Try French art for example ESSAY
Versatile son is a legendary Gaelic poet OSSIAN
What one is worth when placed in difficulties NETASSETS