The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 1,092 - Nov 28 2013

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Clues Answers
A musical call to arms ANNIEGETYOURGUN
City house getting call back ECHO
Dog tailed miner COLLIE
Driver and drug-smuggler on the level, we're told MULETEER
Felled tree on path just below the summit NEARTHETOP
Film star's beginning to dance 10 yards off DORISDAY
Gorad, cryptically, or Pluvius RAINGOD
Hyped up, having told Republican to go away ELATED
I know the 2, 4, 6 but how likely is that? WHATARETHEODDS
Incite mad purist STIRUP
Infernal woman, by herself on the blower PERSEPHONE
Kind of shorts covering figure's expanse in Caribbean BERMUDATRIANGLE
List in which female belfry resident precedes some dead armadillo HEBREWCALENDAR
Clues Answers
New MP had seat with PM somewhere in north London HAMPSTEADHEATH
Our punishment they transmit from on high TELEGRAPHLINES
Parisian clergyman's healing powers? CURE
Pay attention and 'elp units out LISTENUP
Rubbish, island being sent up by poet's First Voice? NARRATOR
She's from the centre of Youghal, Eire GIRL
Small university publisher and developer SOUP
State has to work without leaders -- that's enough to make you mad EXASPERATE
Stay solid STAUNCH
Tony involved with Egypt's borders? Up to now, no! NOTYET
Usher contracted former West Indian fast bowler MARSHAL
Vessel perfectly captures posh Britain TUGBOAT
Way sportsmen will get free entertainment, we hear SIDESTREET