The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 1,062 - Oct 8 2013

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Clues Answers
10 has time for date showing pluck GRIT
Ambassador's notice announced force in support HEADREST
Bank securing bit of money not long ago RECENTLY
Capital chap! PARISIAN
Club field unevenly spoilt SPOONFED
Crikey! Hebridean location with no loch ISAY
Cured by nap through to end of troublesome day KIPPERED
East-ender's kept most of wine for a special purpose ADHOC
Excellent area for aspiring thespians? RADA
Government's free network GRID
Ground almonds carry a touch of dill plant OLDMANSBEARD
Handle king and jack KNOB
Heavens above! There's no beginning to restraint ETHER
It acts as a reminder to store alcoholic drink KEEPSAKE
It's essential to waterproof a bricklaying material FABRIC
Clues Answers
Mathematician's sign for peers EQUALS
New coronation age deprived of old Queen? She is such a one OCTOGENARIAN
No gory murder is resolved in a whirl of activity MERRYGOROUND
One tootles along and is very rude briefly in a careless way SUNDAYDRIVER
Parking in front of pub, have drink around Canadian capital's highest point PINNACLE
Quibbles about nearly all of mean society CAVILS
Sceptic a good Catholic's entertaining is not after conversion AGNOSTIC
Scoundrel and weed touring America in this -- that's out of favour DOGHOUSE
Sum up year as time of critical action DDAY
Tease Ben for playing truant ABSENTEE
Turn up shorts NIPS
University besieged by liberated Allies, implicating group of harsh treatment ILLUSAGE
Up north veg is cheap reportedly TATTIE
Voice disapproval over posh short skirt TUTU
When, for example, leaders in exam results surprise, they test ASSAYERS