The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 2,647 - Jul 8 2012

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Clues Answers
Advocate placing obstruction across street BARRISTER
Characters that aren't upright I put in charge in last resort ITALICS
Church covering more appropriate part of gospel CHAPTER
Concentrated hard within short time THICK
Do work for husband CONSERVE
Doctor put in protective clothing for battle COMBAT
European wife is guarded by sons SWISS
Furniture moved around with carts in transport system etc. INFRASTRUCTURE
Gradually understand significance of summary DIGEST
Great indignation of king in period deprived of power OUTRAGE
Here, what's North-East? China NEPAL
Increase cut in shock evaluation exercise APPRAISAL
Indefinite article the writer inserted in revision of hit song SOMETHING
Issue polite man at entrance has covered EMANATE
Clues Answers
KLM pilot who's, dramatically, unable to land? FLYINGDUTCHMAN
Like service that's held without any interruption UNBROKEN
Lock of hair included by breaker of commandment in explanatory communication COVERINGLETTER
Opening part of cathedral, say, that's not quite finished CHANCE
Personal concern in unusually tense test drive VESTEDINTEREST
Sailor in his usual surroundings put back lots of maps ATLASES
Tall tree standing over yew, reportedly widespread POPULAR
Tediously persist, creating a monster DRAGON
Temperature, roughly, in part of body TORSO
They have two legs and fly TROUSERS
What to do before lighting up kitchen appliance TOASTER
Willing Duke's prepared to be shot? DISPOSED
Work of art college with typo? COLLAGE
Youngsters in cricket side ahead of season OFFSPRING