The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 26,818 - Mar 20 2012

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Clues Answers
A stormy threat in the main ATHEART
Ample time to unwind with middle missing from 'The Matrix' TEMPLATE
and 11 Down: Tell tales about aide who customarily rings up at work SHOP
Blame talent -- not fulfilled -- for production being pitifully bad LAMENTABLE
Bring to light rogue is in the red? Not he DISINTER
Caught playing up outside school FACULTY
Cook pud and eat it for fitness APTITUDE
Following aborted coup the French created crowning glory of the Pantheon CUPOLA
Growing red cabbage at last after problem with smell RUBESCENT
In one Transylvanian starter I tasted blood! INITIATE
Inflamed swelling sun yet to set STYE
Issue terms of reference without introduction EMIT
League loss for Hearts in enjoyable game PHEASANT
Load a substantial amount in panniers SADDLEBAGS
Master unusual measure to insulate central heating pipe MEERSCHAUM
Clues Answers
Over-fifties attending Proms upset with traditional German fare ROLLMOPS
Piece of bacon with fat on LARDON
Pop star refusing to dance to someone else's tune? ADAMANT
Prison sentence passed quickly -- that said, it's a strain BIRDFLU
Pyrenean peak bordering Spanish kingdom is something to look up to PARAGON
Quaint Rye sat either side of bend in river approaching the sea ESTUARY
Quality rare rump steak with no end of jus UPMARKET
Question -- the first of many -- in sample for employer TASKMASTER
Right men getting condemned about attempt to escape RUNFORIT
Sheen appearing in film PATINA
Soak and simmer separate ingredients IMMERSE
Some of Cabinet once might have had a fag here? ETON
There are no limits to ignominy -- however small MIGNON
Willowy model retreats into fiction LISSOME