The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 975 - May 8 2013

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Clues Answers
11's paramour touring Mile End -- with similar ladies? BABES
11's role in 27,3 -- opposite no maiden! ANTONY
A measure of concealment? BUSHEL
and 16 and 17 Across: ... hit she's made wearing top draped over singular vehicle for 11 BLESS
and 18 Down: It's hot: a shock launch for new programme featuring 11 HANCOCKS
and 3 Down: Sign on motor -- 'Dreadfully Corny Classical Comedy!' CARRY
Cast in audition, Mrs Sharples trains for big occasion ... CENTENARY
Comfortable with 'Our Party', Miliband's almost premier USEDTO
Comic actor's side-splitting spot on square -- it's his 7 today! SIDJAMES
Covet neighbour's superior chicken CRAVEN
Daily subverted congenital cheat CHARLATAN
Ending and one French piece of dialogue tweaked FINETUNED
Flamenco rendition collects repeat performance ENCORE
Group of slapdash ramraiders in retreat ASHRAM
Innate lateness I displayed ESSENTIAL
Clues Answers
It's a feather in one's cap to have broken-down sheep sold off HACKLE
Lad's unconscious in midst of mayhem YOUTH
Like lovers in a forest -- beginning to tremble? ARDENT
Marry or divorce? CLEAVE
Planet Earth's latterly devastated in places VENUS
Prints of 'Vertigo' regularly include feature on Stewart up front ETCHINGS
Quote from a dead leader ADDUCE
Sally's first child's a runner SKID
See 24 Across HALFHOUR
See 27 Across ONCLEO
See 8 THIS
Snag involving electronic industrial design HITECH
States ignored rising star -- a goddess! IRIS
Swallowing cold 'economy' banger HEAP