- Oct 7 2007

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Clues Answers
''A battlefield,'' to Benatar LOVE
''Already?'' SOSOON
''American Masters'' network PBS
''Count of Monte Cristo'' character EDMOND
''Hairspray'' mom EDNA
''High Sierra'' actress IDALUPINO
''I Love Lucy'' name DESI
''You tell 'em!'' YEAH
''Young'' reformer TURK
Aerobic exercise regimen TAEBO
Aggressive personality TYPEA
Ancient Asia Minor region IONIA
Ancient, in Aberdeen AULD
Andrew Wyeth subject HELGA
Antlered animal ELK
Arch city, for short STL
Army cops MPS
At first or second ONBASE
Ate well DINED
Attack verbally SAILINTO
Bakery needs OVENS
Bereft of locks SHORN
Bolshevik leader LENIN
Break of a sort NAP
Brief promotional prose BLURB
Business arrangement DEAL
Cathedral bench PEW
Champing at the bit EAGER
Cheese choice EDAM
Cheese choice GOUDA
Cheese choice FETA
City in Tuscany SIENA
Close by NEAR
Coatroom features PEGS
Come after ENSUE
Comic conjurers PENNANDTELLER
Compass reading NNW
Couple DUAD
Crispy snack SALTINE
Crowded DENSE
Cut to fit TRIM
Cutlet meat VEAL
Damsel LASS
Deluxe POSH
Dental device FLOSS
Disperse in defeat ROUT
Drive erratically WEAVE
Edible bulb ONION
Eternally EVER
Exam for an atty.-to-be LSAT
Face shape OVAL
Fail to include OMIT
Feathered diver LOON
Feedbag morsel OAT
Fill the bill SERVE
First-string squad ATEAM
Foolish mistake BONER
Frighten SPOOK
Go along AGREE
Great skill FINESSE
Has coming EARNS
Have a sample of TASTE
High bond rating AAA
High-school class CHEMLAB
Hostile force FOE
Ice-cream concoction SODA
Impertinent SASSY
Imperturbable STOIC
Italian wine region ASTI
Clues Answers
Jarring to the eye HARSH
Jazz singer Carmen MCRAE
Job benefit PERK
Just barely ATAD
Kemo Sabe companion TONTO
Large brewer URN
Lawn covering DEW
Let property RENT
Like a lot ADORE
Like vinegar SOUR
Listened to HEARD
Literary celebrity LION
Lo-fat LITE
Loose leaves PAGES
Makeup of matter ATOMS
Mammal from Madagascar LEMUR
Mention indirectly ALLUDETO
Messy places STIES
Move swiftly DART
Nest dweller WASP
Nose-in-air type SNOOT
Not at all superficial DEEP
Oriole Hall of Famer CALRIPKEN
Oscar role for Forest IDI
Paradise EDEN
Part of AD ANNO
Pillow filling DOWN
Pipe pro PLUMBER
Place for a computer DESKTOP
Poetic dusk EEN
Prefix for present OMNI
Raggedy dolls ANNS
Reach a high altitude SOAR
Refuse to deal with WASHONESHANDSOF
Render unusable RUIN
Residence ABODE
Response to a doorbell ITSOPEN
Response to a doorbell ENTER
Rubik of cubes ERNO
Ruhr Valley metropolis ESSEN
Sector AREA
Sent a cyberspace message EMAILED
Set one back COST
Seventh-century pope LEOII
Shade source TREE
Sign of spring THETWINS
Skim along FLIT
Square one, so to speak SCRATCH
Standing tall ERECT
Sugar amt. TSP
Supplement ADDTO
Support, with ''with'' SIDE
Swedish industrialist NOBEL
Tailor's creation SEAM
Term of endearment SWEETIE
The Prada family, for example MILANESE
Time off, for short RANDR
Turn on the waterworks WEEP
Ultimate cause ROOT
Unimportant matter TRIFLE
Voting group BLOC
Warehouse outlet, e.g. MASSMERCHANDISER
Weather-map line ISOBAR
Wells' blond race ELOI
What cowboys call ladies MAAM
What winter hats cover EARS
With great skill ADROITLY
With richer soil LOAMIER
Wonka creator DAHL
Worker bee DRONE
__-di-dah LAH