The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 983 - May 22 2013

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Clues Answers
A foreign fellow hanging around university is a greasy type UNGUENT
All needs worked out with English getting wartime help from USA LENDLEASE
Alluring woman's let go to ensnare a spy EAVESDROP
and 13 Across and 28 Across and 15 Down: Dreadful horsemeat fraud news causes mad fear -- it's a brief unreal experience for us! (2,3,4,5,2,6,3,4,2) WEARESUCH
Arab ruler carrying gold in old marketplace AGORA
Bird submerged under lake or swamp LERNE
Box missing a tool in lounge SPRAWL
Church member needing to suffer a punishment I ignored COPT
Daughter leaving country, grabbing good man? It's a game! CANASTA
Get anything but a quack remedy? PROCURE
Group of bacteria producing nasty eye spot right inside SEROTYPE
Hard worker has time left to switch places and lurk LOITER
Hit wicket -- clumsy! WHAM
In gym I flounder, with refusal to be held in dishonour IGNOMINY
Inane holiday worker VACANT
Insect making beastly noise � son has to clear off inside MOSQUITO
Clues Answers
Marriage's warlike with couple inside rolling round MARITAL
Maybe audibly ban smoker in church CENSER
Mob wanting British out in endless disturbance -- they never get worn out DURABLES
Old port? Gosh, our navy has docked in it! SMYRNA
One version of Bible established a number of religious texts AVESTA
Platform needs unendingly reliable flock surrounding leader of Conservatives SCAFFOLD
Protests about one heavenly body DEIMOS
Request not to permit drug that's a poison BANE
Second-hand dealer managed to hold meeting once a year RAGMAN
See 12 Across AREMADEON
See 12 Across STUFF
See 12 Across ASDREAMS
Silent leader has left work TILL
Student Union given little support TUTEE
The old woman embracing individual, exuding love, a dominatrix? MANEATER
Time to beat the bounds? You want rain to go somehow ROGATION