The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 941 - Mar 8 2013

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Clues Answers
Are tarts regularly burnt when baked here? RESTAURANT
Being unenlightened that chap ruined hen party removing piano HEATHENRY
Commotion or uprising -- in Inverness a carfuffle FRACAS
Count for instance times I entered the French championship TITLE
Covering for wings of Dodge stationed in GI's camp DEPUTISING
Dido recorded in LA. I can't work that out ANTIC
Elegant Windy City long since forgotten CHIC
Exalted spirits flit about Scottish sky LIFT
Forcing conformity in vineyards in ever-changing environment PROCRUSTEAN
Hoping for change of 10p exactly EXPECTANTLY
King and one born after; alternately K and P RIB
Medics take this; collapsing they'll get stomach upset -- and die OATH
Men bent over top of beer mug ROB
Musical cut short stymies opening box office up. That's awkward OBSTRUCTIVE
Old English spell cured itch GOTHIC
Old Homer's heir has black diamonds set in ornament (5,1'3) OBJETDART
Clues Answers
Pancake landing in Cambridge cemetery CATACOMB
Picture he'd held back requires years almost to make sense of DECIPHER
Prop is barring lock BUTTRESS
Retracted, contracted and in order NEAT
Ring is confining short person in leg-irons CALLIPERS
Root for food CHEER
Rus in urbe? Not quite: clearing ugly ruins is the difficulty RUB
Sacrificing one daughter padre made compact with Devil and won PREVAILED
Settle in Balmoral area when told to lower stress DECIDE
Soap that's set in a pub? BAR
Subtle Independent got up to interrupt Republican if in turn he stalls FILIBUSTER
Supporters of New Year's Day saints and one born on All Fools' Day? JANISSARIES
Ten a penny? He cuts ten times that CHEAP
They drop a sport a pro's compromised PARATROOPS
Turning out these a girdle's for baking scones with lard BANNOCKS
University governing body, having overlooked name for degree, deliberate SEDATE