New York Times - Oct 5 2007

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Clues Answers
'C'mon, do me this favor' BEASPORT
'Che!' title role player, 1969 OMARSHARIF
'Pleasant dreams' SLEEPTIGHT
Acts on a gut feeling? EATS
Alternative that should be followed BETTERIDEA
Any of les Trois Mousquetaires AMI
Bunny backer? HEFNER
Car bar STRUT
Carnival follower LENT
Chief LEAD
Chump CLOD
Commuters' choices: Abbr. RRS
Competing INIT
Coolness APLOMB
Dangerous places for correspondents WARZONES
Drawer units? CELS
Famously fussy pair of diners SPRATS
Fishing boats DORIES
Five-time U.S. presidential candidate in the early 1900s DEBS
Forum infinitive ESSE
Goes under FAILS
Gold rush storyteller HARTE
Hardware store offering BRAD
He wrote 'A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die' KAFKA
Hombre, once NINO
If ever ONCE
Importunes PRESSES
In the style of: Suffix ESE
Island republic EIRE
Kind of scholarship MERIT
Like many an heir apparent ELDEST
Like most mammals EARED
Main, maybe WATERPIPE
Many a monthly check writer TENANT
Clues Answers
Married man who had long been a bachelor BENEDICT
Missing the point? SCORELESS
Mrs. Turnblad in 'Hairspray' EDNA
Navigation hazard DENSEFOG
Navigation hazard SHOAL
Not having as favorable a prognosis ILLER
Not out of place APT
One making firm decisions EXEC
Ordained DECREED
Past prime time? LATEINLIFE
Post-Taliban Afghan president KARZAI
Put under? SEDATED
QB who was the 1963 N.F.L. M.V.P. YATITTLE
Quiet craft GLIDER
Risers meet them TREADS
Seed-separating gizmo PEASHELLER
Some athletes shoot them STEROIDS
Spanish hors d'oeuvre TAPA
Special delivery? PREMIE
Strip PEEL
Take off SPLIT
The Chi-___ (1970s R & B group) LITES
Top of some scales TEN
U.S. air-to-air missile SPARROW
Univ. offerings MAS
Utterance when pointing to a woman HER
W.W. II agcy. OSS
Watch notch MINUTEMARK
When repeated, a 'Funny Girl' song SADIE
Where workers gather APIARIES
___ Genevieve County, Mo. STE
___ phenomenon (optical illusion) PHI