The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 926 - Feb 12 2013

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Clues Answers
A lot to be said for -- a lot SITE
Add a very soft conclusion APPEND
Beautiful stone work on interior of wall OPAL
Calling for a declaration PROFESSION
Checks contributions unpaid going in SUBDUES
Document penned a long time ago WRIT
For which we eat an apple a day and toast Goodhealth
Furthermore, there's a capital orchestra ALSO
Game could start off badly LUDO
Grass getting convict back in captivity is wined and dined REGALED
Hard to shorten or cut SEVER
He barks loud reply to 'Do you take�?' FIDO
He doesn�t like people about, having clues to unravel RECLUSE
He hands over soldier. Clergyman accompanies back GIVER
Is concealing myriad aspirations IDEALS
Key change singer withdraws, being apprehensive CRINGES
Clues Answers
Kid number three: a hybrid LEATHER
Latin lover CLASSICIST
Launches parodies SENDSUP
Mad to free hand caught RABID
Northerner's rendering of 'Ogre, meet thine end' GEORDIE
Plus it got built by arranged date, as specified STIPULATED
Rescues a number trapped by rising waters SAVES
Run into trap that's found in meadow CORNFLOWER
Second delivery? REBIRTH
Seen on US map, it takes one right back RENO
So cheese is in tiny wrapping, Highness INSOBRIETY
Thought 'Turn on' and it's turned on NOTION
Too old for love, or just not bothered? PASTCARING
Took fifty per cent cut, adding 'Yes, that's satisfactory' OKAY
Wonderful definition of master criminal? SUPERDUPER
Wound up drunk after last of cognac COILED