The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 26,499 - Mar 14 2011

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Clues Answers
A split personality? DIVORCEE
About to enter poor trade? May end up on this BREADLINE
Absolutely denied involvement INDEED
Agreeable countryman about fifty PLEASANT
Almost a hit with the girl next door NEARMISS
Animal roamed around in arid setting DROMEDARY
Bloomers made by teachers losing their head ASTERS
Cover story with article inside CANOPY
Demonstrated a way to proceed in opposite directions SHOWN
Desire a new T-shirt THIRST
Downpour makes it hard to see CATARACT
He saw himself as winning on the pools NARCISSUS
I rant and rave about account NARRATIVE
Instrument on ship becomes redundant NEEDLESS
Clues Answers
Kept going -- or didn't STAYED
Missile launcher fitted to aircraft carriers CATAPULT
New tutor accepted back study and started work TURNEDTO
No notice is required should you wish to do it IGNORE
Pat is anxious, starting school CARESS
She and I'd join together in matrimony WEDLOCK
Small party in southern courtyard SQUAD
Soldier has complaint for stew that's highly seasoned RAGOUT
The perfect fashion student MODEL
The strain of conviviality? DRINKINGSONG
They made a bolt for it CROSSBOW
Want a partner for an animal practice? COVET
Wartime leader gains weight WINSTON
You won't want to, if your remarks are in bad taste! EATONESWORDS