The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 804 - Jul 11 2012

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Clues Answers
Adjustment of rent, a decision proving thoughtless INCONSIDERATE
Alternate view, now and then SEESAW
Among cast, a really big name STAR
Attempted change of course, then went ahead TACKLED
Beast often spitting germs, lacking energy, arrived in outskirts of Nepal BACTRIANCAMEL
Bound to lie back, taking in slowing match PARALLEL
Charity turning up in force, or go-between MEDIATOR
Column aired appreciative letters initially supporting the marines THERMAL
Condition that's malleable in metal AILMENT
Costa del Sol home, perhaps, popular for gangster VILLAIN
Current generated, dynamo's maintained EDDY
Essential food one spotted for US musician FATSDOMINO
Fit, but losing it, this setter has some figure! FIVE
Free photo celebrity put up, then took down EMANCIPATE
Clues Answers
Fundamentalist group beat walls in defence, endlessly TALIBAN
Gardener's assistant, bloke with flower MANURE
Hand of ally shaken during race ROYALFLUSH
Hitler's favourite, with reputation initially tough to shake among nicer characters RICHARDWAGNER
Horse race contested the wrong way, swear by the odds! NURSERY
Minor irritation to have you canonised? STYE
Pines so annoyed? NEEDLED
Ringtone's maddening -- it dominates the atmosphere NITROGEN
Temporary recovery abated once cud chewed DEADCATBOUNCE
Thin animal�s skin is unable to cause death NONFATAL
Tie suited game as possible means of access DRAWBRIDGE
Time to be viewed through a microscope? MINUTE
Undergarment, not undergarmentt? SINGLET
Who's beautiful? There's your answer, if you fancy the teacher! ADONIS