The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 883 - Nov 27 2012

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Clues Answers
Adept in a new form of protection for the home front APRON
Almost exhausted, found beside a tree ASPEN
Anglers play it on a line; others play a line on it BASS
Being withered, remove the inside and live WIRED
Best time of one's life is brief PRIME
Bowlers perhaps taken off to acclaim HATS
Buildings, these sites grey with age TEMPLES
Contacts and broaches subject of dismissing head RINGSUP
Give impression of being single. Having wife, conceal it IMITATE
Half a month required by lecturer's book NOVEL
Ill-considered article about corporal punishment THRASHING
Intend to support and love, when taken to quarters PROPOSE
Jockeys are given these handicaps SADDLES
Little Mary got cut, having tripped TUMBLED
Males, I agree, when drunk can be animals MENAGERIE
Not eaten, went off LEFT
Clues Answers
Not having clue, misspelled 'diminutive' MINUSCULE
Our national drink HOMEWATERS
Poppycock! Vehicle should be taken back -- get another! TRACTOR
Put out a shade about being rudely awakened ROUSTED
Record that's number one's by Cher -- 'Missing Her' DISC
Saw backing group NONET
Spoke about Italy -- drink flowed ORIGINATED
Start by giving time to manipulating fraud TRIGGER
Strain to reform man that's harsh ASTRINGENT
The star is twinkling outside little love SWEETHEART
Theirs got tangled in one, climbing ONTHERISE
To have and to hold, to love and to conjugate? VERBS
Try refitting an old vessel GONDOLA
Turning right round one gives voice TENOR
Upset, I notice misinformation in part of the media DAILIES
What Eddystone did in gale, damaged by sea GLEAMED