The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 698 - Jan 6 2012

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Clues Answers
A cut of fish that was 'outstanding' in the area for members? CODPIECE
A little horribly affected Scotsman's scold YAFF
A shocking report issued on aircraft SONICBOOM
A woman of the night looking up a port in Oklahoma TULSA
Adult backing online celebrity NAME
and 17 Down: Damage by old trains et al, they spent 3 9 at 29 and 27 MARX
and 23 Across: For 2 it's time to go to 1 down or 3 9 TWENTY
and 9 Across: Add anything to pieces to get a song NIGHT
Axes soldiers following order in operation to capture figure during speech OXYMORON
Beat liver troubles that could have been prevented AVERTIBLE
Cupid's dart finally penetrating Romeo at livery AMORETTO
Fools growing up? Enough said! SESSA
Gene type in flux PITNEY
Heads intense bombardment, having taken cannabis back TOPKNOTS
It's a job for surgeon in makeshift theatre -- no time for dramas THEOPERA
Lowest-of-the-low ordinal should, in New Hampshire NOUGHTH
Clues Answers
Not the last living male to prepare a cheese flan QUICHE
Odd snatches of sketch, Cook being dry SECCO
One of the 13 17 reviving the Confessor? HARPO
One of the 13 17, I've had too much to drink in company CHICO
One of the 13 17, one easily-annoyed all-rounder GROUCHO
Probably it's a wrench for 'handy' man having nothing left to fight about TOOLBOX
Rising with the sun, it is one who spent 3 9 at 29 and 27 MERCURY
See 13 Across BROTHERS
See 26 Across FOURHOURS
See 3 Down ANDDAY
Shall we mismanage releases? LETSGOOF
So Status Quo getting behind old band? OASIS
Take another bow on appearing before cup match RETIE
The composer is somewhat flabbergasted BERG
They quickly shot off a letter in Athens, sent both ways containing no news AMUSETTES
With run in plus hard going it would be where fans would watch sporting event THERACES