The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 625 - Sep 1 2011

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Clues Answers
A part of Edinburgh Castle, I think -- only a part LEITH
Bird box in front of terraced houses? SPARROW
Bluff ruler that gets cold-hearted, appearing to be calm HALCYON
Certain society giving way to allow for public opening OVERTURE
Country hospital is to be included in business arrangement FRANCHISE
Dress to sag FALLIN
Fearless lover spending pounds DARING
Fee rather bad -- when to expect proper reward?! HEREAFTER
Functional line penned by American President of yesteryear USABLE
Going off on a trip? HIGH
Greek character facing obvious fix, keeping on in place devoid of particular reaction NUCLEARFREEZONE
Hebrew character right out of bed BETH
Keep an eye on the old woman and man in a doomed situation CHECKMATED
Leave horrible people as soon as there's nothing to lose LICENCE
Man of power, wouldn't you say, in speech? WATT
Clues Answers
One appreciates the beautiful article following Society in a summer abroad AESTHETE
People who fulfil your wishes, a bit twisted inside? COMPILERS
Praise formerly accompanied by endless peal EXTOL
Say, a cleric getting old, bent over, in twilight years? OVERAGE
Something in suet that's nastier when chewed STEARIN
Something must be denied by this philosopher NIHILIST
Supports made from alloy crumbling away at the bottom BRAS
The man with plot of ground is a serf HELOT
This massage is said to be requirement KNEAD
Tops on radio vehicles SLEIGHS
Trained ventriloquist once given a sort of monkey BROUGHTUP
Viewing all aspects brings alarm -- choose to hide PANOPTIC
Walker in Liverpool, say, creating hostility when blocking main road ARTGALLERY
Wreath laid on earth in European city LEIDEN