The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 601 - Jul 21 2011

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Clues Answers
A bachelor choosing to hide face in ban ABOLITION
Army bigwig discharging the Spanish: that illustrates it COLON
Bit of mischief in conspicuous place -- and male is thrown out! LARK
Bond in a Fleming novel eliminating fellow with time LIGAMENT
British composer's made-up condition BLISS
Classical figure in Dixieland? THESEUS
Congregation having fine vintage FOLD
Familiarity shown in hotel? Not a great amount HABIT
Fare in container producing sign of overeating around fancy deck by lake PACKEDLUNCH
Farewell from a princess with international group ADIEU
Free trial by taste devised when skirting a street ATLIBERTY
Hilly area close to village? Take wrong sign by low river EXMOOR
Ill-bred fellow touring SA country snubbed former PM CHURCHILL
Judge with additional statement about lad losing head as a criminal JOYRIDER
Naval women's community lacking openings for celebrity RENOWN
Clues Answers
One unwilling to support Northern queen after a year perhaps NAYSAYER
One's hired Eastern half of attractive location in posh car MERCEDES
Pack sank at sea, part of hiker's equipment? KNAPSACK
Part of physio's outfit that is taken around clubs absolutely not new ICEBAG
Plain advertising one found in a lot of broadcast PRAIRIE
Punch, maybe, producing disapproving sounds, we hear BOOZE
Purplish colour seen in medium in Morocco MAGENTA
Queen with old drink getting minimal attendance QUORUM
Reportedly, highly desirable weight PLUMB
Scope in varied role around prominent part of ship getting award ELBOWROOM
Sheepish expression about fly sadly close to fork in dessert BAKEDALASKA
Sign on set of tracks for source of loans? LIBRARY
Source of pellets, maybe, causing small offence in Belgium and Spain BLOWPIPE
Stroll with number at end to get European wine SAUTERNE
Trouble with two legs raised in tree MAGNOLIA