The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 26,424 - Dec 15 2010

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Clues Answers
Agree with partner -- the game's over! CHECKMATE
Column inches initially put into medical application PILASTER
Deceived in speech by arguments against squeeze CONSTRICT
Dodge concealed by upping weighted average EVADE
Emphasise the origin of safety lock STRESS
Friend shot by friend in Paris AMIGO
Get hold of rent after taking heart from fight GRIP
Had made king, but lacked credit OWNED
Half of them are sick of such correspondence EMAIL
Hang Southern States writer before break of day SUSPEND
Hobby requiring financial stake INTEREST
Love to vote and look for growth OXEYE
Mixed trades so represented ASSORTED
Money box or other container BREADBIN
Muscles needed to obtain beer? SIXPACKS
Clues Answers
Public knowledge covering area passed OVERTAKEN
Puzzled by equipment carried by United going astray INTRIGUED
Rapid decline due to brawl after losing gold FREEFALL
Road works have one new rule ORDAIN
Rock back and look suggestively LEER
Searched web for work -- looked with intent GOOGLED
Setter absorbed by objective to improve! EMEND
Shelled beans found in more mature plant OLEANDER
Tory to offer incentives with complete lack of respect CONTEMPT
Turn back inside to avoid contact with ruler SHOGUN
Unhappy mix, resulting in case of discord DISGRUNTLED
When trading stops for Charlie, falling behind schedule CLOSINGTIME
Wishes to dispose of one 'super' house DESRES
Withdraw defender (unconscious) BACKOUT
Wraps up firms -- one's lacking energy Cocoons