The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 306 - Feb 19 2010

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Clues Answers
America's economy contracting, India coming round quickly INASECOND
Carelessly mistune Radio 1's programming durations RUNTIMES
Caught by one exposing lies, heads of BBC intervene to close contest NAILBITER
Don't apply initially in combat zone ARENA
English cricket team stumped -- live EXIST
Girl finds her best friends out with the other half -- it's over MAID
Half of street cut off by obstruction, turning serious MAJOR
Hardline policy that might be needed to survive winter of discontent? ZEROTOLERANCE
Hide behind obvious raw material with a bit of gloss PATENTLEATHER
Judge makes a habit of getting around damages INJURES
Labour barriers perhaps causes of dispute between neighbours? PARTYWALLS
Liberal minor aristo briefly hosting important sounding diplomat BLEEDINGHEART
Massive Attack's zany biker glitz BLITZKRIEG
Not very well employed? INFIRM
Clues Answers
Nuts can go on apple LOONY
Oilmen, perhaps? FATCATS
One into a loud EP played over hi-fi? Not half! AUDIOPHILE
Paper money in bottomless brown envelope BUMF
Port for Ukrainians overdoing it on high seas ODESSA
Product of New Labour's appearing in scene on a talkshow NEONATAL
Raising agent requiring starter -- there, currant bun's rising! EAST
Religious education's difficult external examination to set again REHARDEN
Sailor picks up butts TARGETS
Subject to mind control, destiny and almost all hope dashed HYPNOTISED
Suffering from lack of crew out of season? UNSALTED
Thing is what you can do on stage with such an impediment LISP
Treatment in store perhaps for English right back, player that I fouled RETAILTHERAPY
Visibly upset, makes sudden entrance after switching parts INTEARS