The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 26,015 - Aug 24 2009

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Clues Answers
A tree's transformed in March or April EASTER
Awkward situation a golfer may get into HOLE
But this game is not played by one alone SOLO
Can keep going PRESERVE
Clatter in car turns out hard to handle RECALCITRANT
Count and recount TELL
Even I, perhaps, could be afraid APPREHENSIVE
Greek hero is sick, gripped by pains ACHILLES
Guarantees certain bonds SURETIES
Help's about run dry ARID
It's silly but favoured before an Oriental INANE
Mass of people moving about in the road in the morning STREAM
Not one on view NOTION
Officially allowed to escape LEGIT
Pop star, for example, has authority FATHERFIGURE
Put on heavy music symbolic of Ireland SHAMROCK
Clues Answers
Quickly remove label showing exorbitant price RIPOFF
Rise with discomfort, say SOAR
Row of drunks? SKID
Rush job? CAREER
Signs of relief that may extend over a large area CONTOURLINES
Sort of deodorant put on by women ROLLON
Sought information why the whistle went too soon? REFERRED
Stays to give personal support CORSET
Suit the deed ACTION
Tempting fruit APPLE
To date redhead, get a couch first SOFAR
Unidentified girl accepts ring ANON
Unusual combination of destructive and constructive forces RARE
Variable income restricts business that could make a profit ECONOMIC
We shall shortly join firm WELLKNIT
Withdrawing, again losing interest RETIRING