The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 92 - Jul 26 2010

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Clues Answers
1956 film starring Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis TRAPEZE
1971 Janis Joplin album PEARL
A constellation close to the Southern Cross CENTAURUS
A work on astronomy compiled by Ptolemy ALMAGEST
Board on which a painter mixes colours PALETTE
Bookplate EXLIBRIS
Breed of long-bodied pigs with golden-red hair TAMWORTH
Chesspiece KNIGHT
Deadly Asian rock snake KRAIT
Former festival celebrated on the second Monday and Tuesday after Easter HOCKTIDE
Greek philosopher ARISTOTLE
In ancient Rome, a priest who interpreted omens by examining the entrails of animals HARUSPEX
In Arab folklore, a demon that preys on the dead GHOUL
Israeli pianist and conductor, born in 1942 DANIELBARENBOIM
Kind of sour dark cherry, much used in cooking and for cherry brandy MORELLO
Clues Answers
King of Persia who succeeded his father, Darius XERXES
Large smooth-textured smoked sausage BOLOGNA
Legendary hero of Athens who slew the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne THESEUS
Nigerian city and port ABEOKUTA
North American freshwater shad-like fish MOONEYE
One of the two official written varieties of Norwegian Nynorsk
Peter --, winner of the 1936 Nobel Prize in chemistry DEBYE
Soames's daughter in Galsworthy's 'The Forsyte Saga' FLEUR
Tea-producing state in India ASSAM
The body of traditions about Mohammed, supplementary to the Koran HADITH
The capital of Queensland BRISBANE
Thomas --, chief minister to Henry VIII (1531-40) CROMWELL
To deprive (a person in holy orders) of ecclesiastical status UNFROCK
US newspaper publisher whose career inspired the Orson Welles film 'Citizen Kane' HEARST