USA Today - Aug 30 2007

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Closed'' or ''Open'' SIGN
''How about that!'' TADA
''Murder in the Cathedral'' monogram TSE
''Shane'' or ''Stagecoach'' OATER
''Song of ___'' (Rimsky-Korsakov) INDIA
1,000 large calories THERM
Agronomists' study SOILS
Ancient OLDEN
Asleep at the switch FULLYUNPREPARED
Asleep at the switch TAKENBYSURPRISE
Asleep at the switch WHOLLYOFFGUARD
Asleep at the switch CAUGHTUNAWARES
Base address SIR
Broadway turkeys BOMBS
Burden or responsibility ONUS
Close with a bang SLAM
Computer problem BUG
Congressional vote YEA
Crime-solving factors DNAS
Dessert choice TART
Diner serving HASH
Disinfectant's target GERM
Exploded, as a tire BLEW
Falls behind LAGS
Furrow maker HOE
Gather in the boardroom MEET
Harrow rival ETON
Heavy reading TOME
Highland miss LASS
Hoover's staff GMEN
Incipient chick EGG
It may accompany ''Ahem!'' COUGH
It might be true . . . or not RUMOR
Jazz site UTAH
Kiss or ABBA, e.g. BAND
Like kissing cousins AKIN
MAKE revisions EMEND
Make ___ (employ) USEOF
Makes tracks? DUBS
Clues Answers
Moistly permeates SEEPS
Mont Blanc's range ALPS
Natives, by suffix ITES
Nitpicker FUSSPOT
Ocular distress STYE
Opening day site? EDEN
Orthodontist's concern BITE
Out of practice RUSTY
Palindromic comics dog OTTO
Palm leaf FROND
Pamplona pal AMIGO
Pan for gold SIFT
Pastrami order LEAN
Pate de foie ___ GRAS
Paul Bunyan, e.g. LEGEND
Peter the Great, for one TSAR
Pierce with a knife STAB
Put on STAGE
San ___ Obispo, Calif. LUIS
Sassy sort SNIP
Server's edge ADIN
Sharing word OURS
Shock to the system TRAUMA
Shorefront? SAND
Short order, often with mayo BLT
Show off FLAUNT
Shrimp's kin PRAWN
Small, in Dogpatch LIL
Swabbies TARS
Team booster RAH
Teri of ''Tootsie'' GARR
This and that OLIO
Thurman of ''Kill Bill'' UMA
Trustworthy HONEST
Type of chatter IDLE
Whirling current EDDY
Wished undone RUED
Words from the wise SAYINGS
___-friendly USER