The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 26,005 - Aug 12 2009

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Clues Answers
A sanctimonious group of timeless artists keep bees APIARISTS
Amuse host ENTERTAIN
Antique contents were licensed RELIC
Article about a knight who was the King's companion THANE
Badly dyed lei was cropped YIELDED
Compensate a heavyweight Earl ATONE
Convince to pay in full SATISFY
Created an upstanding journalist ERECTED
Enraged -- the Spanish find a place to stay HOTEL
Ex-PM's roofers THATCHERS
Father, leases, with mother as well PARENTS
Flower worn by a colourful hero? PIMPERNEL
Food the vet and beagle both chewed VEGETABLE
I object to a certain course of action MEASURE
I will, for example, collaborate feloniously ILLEGALLY
Illustration of box containing nothing CARTOON
Clues Answers
Is 'engloom' a newly coined word? NEOLOGISM
Little eagles start to rest in their eyries for cuddles NESTLES
Look for a delay AWAIT
Lowest degree for trainee getting the point LEAST
Pin back centre of masculine vestment MANIPLE
Raise the spirits of the Earl recently ELATE
Request quiet guide PLEAD
Reveal you are a little immature VEALY
Shoe carer prepared a Grand National runner RACEHORSE
Startled deer do run when not organised UNORDERED
Tell Satan to muck out the cowshed! NEATSTALL
The aristocracy are regularly well-birthed ELITE
The celebrity panel is on the right STARBOARD
There's nothing green, just plain OVERT
Vegetable tea brewed by Rural Dean CHARD
Worries about assignments EXERCISES