The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 284 - Jan 13 2010

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Clues Answers
A little over a third of letters turned up IOTA
As long as left in the game WHILST
Bird in car pulled away from roundabout OUSEL
Decrease in strength? IRON
Doris's superior way of getting attention, when at height of powers HEYDAY
Easy targets for dodges by MPs when in the House SITTINGDUCKS
Education cut short after teaching started with two thirds sick -- head covered, perhaps? TILED
Element of how 'Friends, Romans...' speech might have begun -- speaker's dropped ANTIMONY
Have a good look, it won't make any difference! EYEUP
Hopeful pontoon banker might say these words, though lacking king IDEALISTIC
Hormone in male not developed MELATONIN
Horrible to have too many debts ODIOUS
I get a frame prepared for picture that'll last AFTERIMAGE
Live together, retaining right to say 'no' VETO
Many champion dissolute sex addict NYMPHOMANIAC
Clues Answers
Mistress may be a bit like this -- going downhill, looks starting to go ONTHESIDE
Name almost having ring of familiarity? ABEL
Non-whites trapped by shells from batteries? YELLOWS
One heartless sod -- and brainless IDIOT
Patience displayed to Israeli SOLITAIRE
Perennial trouble had returned DAHLIA
Place for VIPs to show off -- and how! WHOSWHO
Point to point's without point NEEDLESS
Put a dampener on little Maureen's birthday announcement? MOISTEN
Queue from one end to another TAILBACK
Record speed of insects -- but life's so short TIMEFLIES
Southern Indian dish has one burning inside -- it's unpleasantly spicy SCURRILITY
Spooner could make film star Greg such a beast PECCARY
Without doubt, this won't get you that! WATERTIGHT
Wrong to seize countries, essentially lacking exit strategy? IMMORTAL