The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 908 - Apr 11 2010

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Clues Answers
A pretty -- -- --, a difficult situation KETTLEOFFISH
Adherent of an Indian religion related to Buddhism JAIN
Archaic word for carriage and attendants EQUIPAGE
Bomb designed to penetrate thick rock layers BUNKERBUSTER
Capital of Samoa APIA
Children�s hiding game PEEKABOO
Daughter of Zeus and Hera, cupbearer of Olympus HEBE
Electrical device in an internal-combustion engine SPARKINGPLUG
Francisco de --, Spanish painter GOYA
Herman --, author of �Moby Dick� MELVILLE
In Milton, one of the fallen angels BELIAL
Indian queen or princess RANI
Inner and Outer Scottish islands HEBRIDES
Lack of appetite caused by fear of becoming fat ANOREXIA
Medieval hammer-like weapon MARTEL
Clues Answers
Northamptonshire castle where Mary Queen of Scots was executed FOTHERINGHAY
Not used by the upper class NONU
Of a strict US sect AMISH
One with the same title as another NAMESAKE
Point opposite the base of a figure VERTEX
Relating to a type of electrical circuit AUTODYNE
River rising in central Angola flowing south-eastwards to Namibia OKAVANGO
Scottish word for persistent talking YATTER
Small town with racecourse west of York WETHERBY
Snowboarder's spin in the opposite direction ALLEYOOP
Spool onto which a fishing-line may be wound REEL
Tall cereal grass grown especially in America MAIZE
Town north of Haworth in Bradford unitary authority KEIGHLEY
Vain attempt to make most of one's dwindling hair COMBOVER
Watch or discover unexpectedly ESPY