The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 155 - May 29 2009

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Clues Answers
& 18 The heavyweight of Chinese food, so I've heard ONE
40-60 thickening, giving 400-1500? MIDDLEAGESPREAD
A covering letter's enclosed for me? ADDRESSEE
Artist drinking a little rich soup BORSCH
Bobby out to slow down traffic? SPEEDBUMP
Court summons William Bird SPOONBILL
Even great footballer can do no more than this LEVELBEST
Exercises aged uncle - like oysters? PEARLY
Form of rock music or Motown establishment? GARAGE
Gold glimpsed in tree is a flower BEEORCHIS
Grub to put back in part ROOTLE
Henry's working with Telegraph's integrity HONOUR
Here one's putting the hours in? CLOCKGOLF
Image in one piece, filmgoer's lesson not? SMELLINGOFROSES
In the end, Shakespeare's flat EEN
Clues Answers
In this sergeant takes up a way out EGRESS
Instrument of ready fit SETSQUARE
It paid Catalan electronic group to smash generator PESETA
More security provided for Spooner's door, and feature of it? LETTERBOX
One amongst basics observed by you and me? You can count on it ABACUS
Pastoral song To a Skylark? OAT
Power to cross a range of mountains ALPINE
Recovered, say, no longer under stress PASTTENSE
See 17 Down TON
Smuggling divers are adrift FAIRTRADE
So Telegraph's quoted verbatim, it's agreed ASSENT
Squeak: 'Time, gentlemen, please!'? CLOSECALL
Tempt fate losing weight, see, losing round figure ENTICE
Uncultured individual, being quite big and fit, turns in ESSEXGIRL
What might be put up for sale - of ales? JUMBLE