The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 255 - Nov 20 2009

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Clues Answers
A border flower planted in tin vessel CATAMARAN
Central point of female vanity -- to get a reaction? NAVEL
Checked wickerwork (top half should be twisted) TARTAN
Cricketer starts to hook unduly during fast century LENHUTTON
Domino originally stained underneath stout FATS
Egg-producer central to ornate colouring HENNA
European capital formerly attracted second-class stars LIBRA
Evergreen song by Abba, with computer technology replacing members MACADAMIA
Faulty driver steers this golf shot deficiently KAPUT
Fencing equipment safety mark covers point entering active torso CREOSOTE
Foreign letter ending used in present tense TAUT
Gutless affair with diva disgraced MP ARCHER
In the UK/US etc, demo initially pruned political funds WARCHEST
Legendary figure left Chelsea manager overlooking tense international LANCELOT
Make perfect heart in rhyme for beloved HONEY
Clues Answers
Milk deliverer heading for excitement provided lady's around HEIFER
Nursed former South American soldier INCARE
Old chestnut, tallest in copse, contracted skin disease CLICHE
Pairs leading tackle high tides somewhere in Pacific TAHITI
Part of body first to deteriorate's inside joint TENDON
Plant water covers Jimmy knocking back pint SWEETPEA
Scotch attracts Derry's most popular character. Paddy? STROP
See you texting Rees regularly. Is it therapy? CURE
Slip from terminal in Beijing with 50 yen GLITCH
Some of church really welcomed holy man VESTRY
Stinging creature around Orient, released thorn in one's side BETENOIRE
Take exam in university, laid back, unmoved INSITU
That man's after 20% off fast food QUICHE
Tom pinches road warning sign CAVEAT
Tramp starved, regularly lacking a vitamin TREK