The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 25,612 - May 9 2008

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Clues Answers
Are they wise when others have succumbed to darkness? NIGHTOWLS
Attacks despicable person leading English Society SNIPES
Badly run trains, dilemma needing to be sorted out MALADMINISTER
Be a square, slamming ornamental design ARABESQUE
Bit of food a Greek character fed to the dog? PEANUT
Capital person with inner energy SEOUL
Cold little boy is sweet CANDY
Disturb fish by double bend SHAKE
Extra piece from good American group GUSSET
Female idle? Lift may be preferred to this! FLIGHT
Frenchman demonstrated and shouted, getting led off PROVENCAL
Get money from Irishman turning up TAP
Gosh, I meet crazy boat race crew maybe! EIGHTSOME
Home terrific we hear? This person won't say thank you INGRATE
Impure language that sounds as if it's for the birds PIDGINENGLISH
Infant Shaw curiously involved in something trivial as a writer JONATHANSWIFT
Clues Answers
Liaises to reorganise area now in Poland SILESIA
Lifeless soprano participating in service DUSTY
Made a jump seconds before crash SPRANG
No possibility of drama? There might be in this decisive game PLAYOFF
Notice signal to stop and get get angry SEERED
One may have special tie on - - a nob, OB standing out? ETONIAN
Opposing what in France is seen as old-fashioned ANTIQUE
Pickle from Caribbean island in short supply JAM
Rodents bringing a disease to island AGOUTIS
Sailor seen as the reverse of someone contemptible TAR
Simple things one caught, fish coming round BASICS
Soldiers come down on old American city ORLANDO
Something dried up? That's disgusting! YAH
Son possessing and using bathroom items? SHAVING
Tease ridiculous-looking team with cheeky kit TAKETHEMICKEY
Times in which to get cross, sullen BROODY