The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 25,542 - Feb 18 2008

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Clues Answers
'Die, Bart!', I horribly harangue DIATRIBE
A sign that Verne's captain has returned OMEN
A slight incoherence in speech SLUR
An award for record achievement GRAMMY
Best of French achievement DEFEAT
Consecrate into an order ANOINT
Family ties for the mother's boy APRONSTRINGS
Gift vouchers all right in smaller packs of cigarettes? TOKENS
Hydrogen weapon can cause such damage HARM
In which they work thirteen to the dozen BAKERY
It gives no real saving FALSEECONOMY
It is involved with a plan that is flexible PLIANT
It's plain frozen TUNDRA
Keen insight shown by a hundred upper-class types ACUMEN
Not a fair description UGLY
Passion fruit drink? CRUSH
Clues Answers
Penal settlement in the country NEPAL
Pronounced fit to be the first murder victim ABEL
Provide money, enough to keep daughter ENDOW
Rates ski resort as 'one star' ASTERISK
Regular correspondence between sides SYMMETRY
Rent a seaside place in Croatia SPLIT
Serving for the match? WEDDINGFEAST
Sincere Roman BONAFIDE
Telephone fault may mean a reporter missing it DEADLINE
The converse of indolence? IDLETALK
The original makers of sinks FOUNDERS
They were ground in the gutter Barrelorgans
Travel free on first excursion RIDE
Trendy accountant who lived in S. America INCA
Use deception to get university place LIEU
When darkening skies are tinged with gilt anew? TWILIGHT