New York Times - Aug 6 2007

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Clues Answers
'Goldilocks' character MAMABEAR
'Honest to goodness!' NOLIE
'Horrors!' EEK
'Immediately,' in the O.R. STAT
'The Censor' of ancient Rome CATO
'The Thin Man' canine ASTA
A whole slew SCADS
After-bath powder TALC
Alabama march city SELMA
Appear to be SEEM
Attack before being attacked FIRSTSTRIKE
Authoritative order MANDATE
Baltimore nine ORIOLES
Bank fixtures SAFES
Book size OCTAVO
Buses and trains TRANSIT
Carry out, as an assignment EXECUTE
Cedar Rapids college COE
Channel with cameras in the Capitol CSPAN
Chatty birds PARROTS
Chief Pontiac's tribe OTTAWAS
Coast Guard rank: Abbr. ENS
Con's opposite PRO
Dairy Queen offering BANANASPLIT
Departed WENT
Derrière REAR
Desire YEN
Do very well (at) EXCEL
Dundee denial NAE
Enzyme suffix ASE
Football bowl site ARENA
Generation ___ (thirtysomething) XER
Go blonde, say DYE
Go out LEAVE
Goof up ERR
Hall-of-Fame QB Johnny UNITAS
Have concern CARE
Having been warned ONNOTICE
Clues Answers
Hepcat's talk JIVE
Jacket fastener SNAP
John who starred in 'A Fish Called Wanda' CLEESE
Like some balloons, questions and corn POPPED
Longoria of 'Desperate Housewives' EVA
Loud, as a stadium crowd AROAR
Low-lying area VALE
Millinery accessories HATPINS
Multitalented Minnelli LIZA
Nascar unit LAP
Nightwear, briefly PJS
NNE's opposite SSW
North Pole toymaker ELF
Old-time songwriters' locale TINPANALLEY
Online birthday greeting, e.g. ECARD
Overnight accommodations by the shore BOATEL
Part of a list ITEM
Person in a polling booth VOTER
Playwright Sean OCASEY
Pope before Paul V, whose papacy lasted less than four weeks LEOXI
Result of hitting the pause button on a movie FREEZEFRAME
Rich soil LOAM
Seized vehicles, for short REPOS
Sit for a picture POSE
Temperamental performer DIVA
The 'B' in L.B.J. BAINES
Times on a timeline ERAS
Tire pressure meas. PSI
Try hard STRIVE
TV, slangily, with 'the' TUBE
U.K. channel BBC
Ugly duckling, eventually SWAN
Uncovers BARES
Vegetarian's protein source TOFU
Volcanic emission ASH
Yahoo! competitor AOL
___ buco OSSO
___ compos mentis NON
___ empty stomach ONAN