The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 25,339 - Jun 25 2007

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Clues Answers
A barrier to progress for some races OBSTACLE
A meeting-place in the suburban street? AVENUE
After time, ceremony becomes commonplace TRITE
Aggravates school-head? That's not called for NEEDLESS
Beginner's course in French HORSDOEUVRES
Cash reserves POUNDS
Composer writes feature about musical work CHOPIN
Dislike writing notes before exam DETEST
Eat chips in a way that's not original PASTICHE
Figure of importance in American defence PENTAGON
Found to be contemptible BASE
Get down to dividing bribe STOOP
Get up before ten BEATTHECOUNT
Intends to make money MEANS
Is in a hide to see a bird SISKIN
It makes perfect doctors PRACTICE
Clues Answers
It's hot to the tongue, cold to the ear CHILLI
Keen to help a number inside ACID
One takes no end of cash in here, finishing with nothing CASINO
Publication for children ISSUE
Restrictions imposed for cup matches TIES
Shout and dance, say BAWL
Stop our peers' recreation? Outrageous! PREPOSTEROUS
Suited to change, knowing what it's like USEDTOIT
Terrible ruler of vain disposition IVAN
The pals adore variety, though difficult to satisfy HARDTOPLEASE
The Spanish doctor - a saint to sailors ELMO
Urges preparation for breakfast? EGGSON
We take a call about silver speculation WAGERING
Welshman's making a stand DAIS
Where you might finish if you take flight UPSTAIRS
Workers' home HIVE