- Jul 29 2007

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Happy'' time NEWYEAR
''Just a cotton-pickin' minute!'' HEY
''Later!'' BYE
''Lohengrin'' character ELSA
''Love __ neighbor'' THY
''Messenger to mankind'' Nobelist WIESEL
''Phooey!'' NERTS
''The Age of Reason'' author PAINE
''The Heart of Georgia'' MACON
''What's Going On'' singer GAYE
206, to Tacitus CCVI
A person ONE
Above: Latin SUPRA
Actress Olin LENA
Astronaut's concern GFORCE
Avian source of leather EMU
Badminton coup ACE
Bergen dummy SNERD
Big name in wraps ALCOA
Big party SHINDIG
Boiling HOT
Bootstrap, essentially LOOP
British pie ingredients EELS
Candid quality OPENNESS
Capri or Corfu ISLE
City on Lake Erie TOLEDO
Clothier's concern FIT
Commedia dell'__ ARTE
Compass reading ENE
Coop group EGGS
Count's equivalent EARL
Crunchy sandwich BLT
Cry out loud SOB
Do wrong ERR
Do wrong SIN
Dog bane MANGE
Drives back REPULSES
Employment USE
Enticed LEDON
Equine sitcom star MISTERED
Evening ritual for some COCKTAILSBEFOREDINNER
Expensive sparkler GEM
Fantastic buy STEAL
Fawn's father STAG
Finnair competitor SAS
Fish catchers NETS
Follows a label direction SHAKESBEFOREUSING
Fries lightly SAUTES
Fuss ADO
Given up FORGONE
Grand tales EPICS
Grind, as teeth GNASH
Half-brother of Heracles ARES
Half-__ (coffeehouse order) CAF
Harris honorific BRER
High point ACME
Ill. metropolis CHI
In its natural color UNDYED
Interior courtyards ATRIA
Irritated state SNIT
It's just north of Mexico ELPASO
Knocking out ZONKING
Large quantities OCEANS
Lasted RAN
Like a Masters round of 66 SUBPAR
Like some vbs. IRR
Lily-pad locale POND
Long-nosed fish GAR
Long-stemmed flower ZINNIA
Made happy CHEEREDUP
Maine state tree PINE
Clues Answers
Many-acred residence ESTATE
Marceau character BIP
Massachusetts state tree ELM
Mr. or Mrs. ABBR
Music event CONCERT
NASCAR Hall of Fame designer IMPEI
New Jersey state tree REDOAK
Night-school subj. ESL
Odysseus disguise BEGGAR
One way to vote NAY
Online music service NAPSTER
Orchestra group STRINGS
Orchestra group OBOES
Oscar role for Forest IDI
Partnership obstacle EGO
Patronage provider POL
Pays out SPENDS
Penalty caller REF
Pesto may top them PASTAS
Phrase from the book of Matthew PEARLSBEFORESWINE
Phrase of politesse AGEBEFOREBEAUTY
Pitch in for AID
Play that introduced ''robot'' RUR
Poetic preposition ERE
Poor sport SORELOSER
Precipice EDGE
Presidential monogram DDE
Prof.'s helpers TAS
Prove false REBUT
Racket DIN
Recite from memory REELOFF
Restaurant freebies MINTS
Rice, for example SIDEDISH
Royal initials HRH
S&L offering IRA
Scale note SOL
Shade on shades TINT
Siam neighbor BURMA
Sitcom showing EPISODE
Skater Slutskaya IRINA
Skeptical remark ISTHATSO
Sleuth from Belgium POIROT
Slip into DON
Soda alternative ICEDTEA
Source of Bolivian wealth TINMINES
Special province REALM
Stampless correspondence EMAIL
Steals from ROBS
Straighten out, in a way UNKINK
Strong suggestion URGING
Swimsuit part BRA
Sydney salutation GDAY
Takes up residence MOVESIN
Tends, as a fire STOKES
Tennis situation ADIN
Throat-culture finding STREP
Time to remember ERA
To be, to Marie ETRE
Tub trio of rhyme MEN
Two-time Triple Crown jockey ARCARO
Volcano feature CRATER
Was enticed BIT
Wasn't quite vertical LEANT
What raindrops do on a waxed finish BEADUP
Whisper sweet nothings COO
White fur ERMINE
Wispy clouds CIRRI
Work units ERGS
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You may find it in a pinch SALT