The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 25,496 - Dec 26 2007

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Clues Answers
Attack where shooting happens ONSET
Coach without covering one book MINIBUS
Corrupt US lawyer removed from courts hysterically SHYSTER
Crest drops water on turning vessel STEWPOT
Decorations provided on the occasion of a party? BIRTHDAYHONOURS
Early in the day, employ workers with little time for play AMUSEMENT
Extremely mature elm, rotten at the bottom Mellowest
French sculpture erected in US for free STATUEOFLIBERTY
High-pitched signal getting British former PM up BLEEP
In awkward position, immediately right there ONTHESPOT
It's said to be a device for measuring distance METRE
Lack of respect from those around monarch creates offence CONTEMPTOFCOURT
Like amount editor cut, it's fake ASSUMED
Make very obvious trip back to base DRIVEHOME
Clues Answers
Master of concealment, part of tradition in Japan NINJA
Old gold coin, not common NOBLE
Piece of furniture one sits in daily CHAIR
Positioned in the centre, as one really is ATHEART
Pupils having arrived initially at school in carriage PHAETON
Services provided by government departments OFFICES
Songbird adapted to a nest outside church STONECHAT
Steady paces shown by left-wingers TROTS
Strip cut from forest yielding free bark I distributed FIREBREAK
Teaching position arranged in trip south TUTORSHIP
Time and motive for a serious crime TREASON
Very serious foreign article in journal CHRONICLE
What's needed, specially in unethical NHS era? HEALTHINSURANCE
Whip producing nothing audible KNOUT