L.A. Times Magazine - Jul 22 2007

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Clues Answers
"Lang" preceder AULD
"Telephone Line" grp. ELO
"___ here long?" BEEN
1958 McQueen foe, with "the" BLOB
1998 bug film ANTZ
A long time AGES
Actor Bert LAHR
Actress Téa LEONI
Arm bone ULNA
Astringent ALUM
Bad mood SNIT
Bank offering LOAN
Baseball stats RHE
Batmobile, e.g. CAR
Blow ___ (get mad) AFUSE
Books, etc. LIT
Boss Tweed's caricaturist NAST
Bottom lines: abbr. AMTS
Brest friends AMIES
Busts and such ART
Canadian prov. ONT
Certain NCO SSGT
Chi paper TRIB
Cooling device FAN
Cosell assignment ALI
Cries of pain OWS
Deli orders BLTS
Dine EAT
Does lawn work RAKES
Drops from the sky RAIN
Earnest request PLEA
Eerie ODD
El Paso sch. UTEP
Extol LAUD
Extra-wide shoe size EEEE
Exxon, once ESSO
False stories LIES
Farmer's buy PLOW
Farthest point END
Flabbergast ASTOUND
Fr. holy ones STES
G.W.B., e.g. PRES
Gateway to an Indian wonder AGRA
Goatlike deity FAUN
Greek port and 1571 battle site LEPANTO
HAL says it while Dave is shutting him down in 2001 ICANFEELIT
Halloween word BOO
Highest: abbr. ULT
Idyllic place EDEN
Industry's forte: abbr. MFG
Late island crooner DONHO
Latin bones OSSA
Lead off GOFIRST
Light touches DABS
Long dress MAXI
Loud cries WAILS
Lout OAF
Mail workers SORTERS
Make a muumuu, e.g. SEW
Massage reaction OOH
Missay, as a line FLUFF
Money abroad EUROS
Moves slowly PLODS
Ms. Sommer ELKE
Nasty-smelling ACRID
Neb. neighbor KAN
North Sea feeder RHINE
Numerous MANY
Old Dodges OMNIS
Pathet ___ LAO
Permits LETS
Perry's creator ERLE
Pianist Myra HESS
Clues Answers
Place to stay INN
Plaza de ___ TOROS
Pope's name PIUS
Pour water on DOUSE
Prom buy TUX
Pub buy ALE
Radio choices AMFM
Repelled reaction UGH
Resembling a mesh NETLIKE
Resembling hair PILAR
Result of a young wizard's spell? (think "amphibian") AFROGINONESTHROAT
Result of a young wizard's spell? (think "anatomy") TWOLEFTFEET
Result of a young wizard's spell? (think "anatomy") ALLTHUMBS
Result of a young wizard's spell? (think "bird") CHICKENFINGERS
Result of a young wizard's spell? (think "mollusks") SLUGSINTHEMOUTH
Result of a young wizard's spell? (think "rodents") RATSONONESFRIENDS
Result of a young wizard's spell? (think "veggie") CAULIFLOWEREARS
Rhyming works, in Shakespeare's day POETRIE
Ruler, in Rouen ROI
Russia-China border river AMUR
Saucy PERT
School award DIPLOMA
Scoreless score OTOO
Scot's lockup GAOL
See 108 Down ASS
Set to arrive DUE
Shade tree ELM
Shriner topper FEZ
Sitter's handful IMP
Slangy chuckles LAFFS
Sold out, perh. SRO
Some advice DOS
Some eggs ROE
Sortie RAID
Stake in the game ANTE
Star Trek alien ROMULAN
Stats and stuff INFO
Stops abruptly CUTSOFF
Surrounded BESET
Take to court SUE
Tallinn's land ESTONIA
Tarzan's wardrobe LOINCLOTHS
Tarzan, to natives BWANA
Tennis first name ILIE
The Modern ___ ERA
Therefore ERGO
Thermometer abbr. FAHR
Toupees RUGS
Travel woe FLAT
True stories BIOS
Tuskegee's st. ALA
Ventura on video ACE
What a feller needs? AXE
Where Samson slew the Philistines with the jawbone of a 103 Down LEHI
Wind-direction aid VANE
Wise one GURU
With 62 Across, result of a young wizard's spell? (think "insects") BUTTERFLIES
With 92 Across, result of a young wizard's spell? (think "anatomy") EYESINTHE
Wonder AWE
Word-game wd. ANAG
Words after brush UPON
Worn-out OLD
Wrath IRE
Written part TEXT
You might pick up a bad one VIBE
Your, in Paris ATOI
___ acid FOLIC
___ acid AMINO
___ good deed DOA
___ movie SEEA
___ of smoke APUFF