The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 24,768 - Aug 26 2005

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Clues Answers
A person taking the mickey without anxiety ATEASE
Attempt to get vessel from larder TRY
Beam from one who keeps changing opinions TRIMMER
Cat I, a vet, managed to get going ACTIVATE
Charges I'm to render to, initially, every subscriber IMPUTES
Deceive a bank BLUFF
Delicate daughter isn't needing mummy finally DAINTY
Drink barrels brought to a dance RUMBA
Eastern boys trapping any number of animals ELANDS
Elected Canadian National has very old-fashioned socks CHOSEN
English mum with people flowing out EMANATION
Famous people Kentish person possibly upset NAMES
Girl in the end gets followed ENSUED
Hurries back across time for Shakespeare's home STRATFORD
Instructions order fellow to break discs COMMANDS
Interjection unknown in the audience WHY
Clues Answers
It's more sensible as an error's admitted SANER
Like some cottages maybe not needing a sewer? RENTFREE
Listener's broken into country compound STEARATE
Meet son in a drunken state? Gosh! STONEME
One million without special or distinctive doctrine ISM
Page races around - impossible distance to cover! PARSEC
Politician in twist about spinning? One must get things together COMPILER
Publicity person who gets paid for work? PRO
Red to revolt against the church CERISE
Smart dame wandering around capital AMSTERDAM
Strange sorcerer offers stuff for jumble sale RUMMAGE
Surveys revealing no more battered wives OVERVIEWS
Very fashionable label on a flat figure HEPTAGON
What is it you'll find in the drinks cabinet? VERMOUTH
What school without leadership must do to advance GETAHEAD
Youngster is first to mimic art form CUBISM