The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 24,584 - Jan 24 2005

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Clues Answers
Aircraft control in a state of panic FLAP
American journalist taken advantage of USED
Anticipate charge for concealing minerals FORESEE
Attacks best-sellers? HITS
Broken promise leads to religious schism Breachoffaith
Call again! RETITLE
Clear evidence that the compositor's done his job PROOF
Completed fitting but not yet paid OVERDUE
General on the loose ATLARGE
Help to put on a Verdi opera AIDA
It's flipping Brown in charge - what a disaster! TITANIC
Legislative measures followed by Romans ACTS
Live poorly in low-lying land VLEI
Measure lawyers proceed to ban EMBARGO
Ocean liner? COAST
One form of trust UNIT
Clues Answers
One gets down to the cleaning with this FEATHERDUSTER
One who'd turned out for a dance HOEDOWN
One-sided support for literature BOOKEND
Oriental of earnest disposition EASTERN
Possibly hooked on wrestling club? GRAPPLINGIRON
Prepare to fight and pull out grenade ENGARDE
Recover and make an impression on an audience GETOVER
Rod gets profit - cheap at the price BARGAIN
Runs out of water EBBS
Short story new to the French NOVELLA
Smoking jackets? REEFERS
Solo trumpeter leaving the band ROGUEELEPHANT
Some wear a cheerful smile in affliction EARACHE
They need the will to succeed HEIRS
Transfer between banks FERRY
Watch the dance in which one has a pupil EYEBALL