- Jun 29 2007

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Carmina Burana'' composer ORFF
''Definitely!'': author Friedman/''Definitely not!'': Columbus THEWORLDISFLAT
''Great'' one PETER
''Impossible headline!'': inventor DeForest/''Future headline!'': JFK MANLANDSONMOON
''Munich'' actor Bana ERIC
Arraignment part PLEA
Beethoven dedicatee ELISE
Bran source OAT
Burdens TAXES
Charlie Brown epithet RATS
Cheers of a sort OLES
Claudius successor NERO
Clint's ''. . . Madison County'' costar MERYL
Confuse ADDLE
Def relative PHAT
Defense acronym NATO
Dennis, to Mr. Wilson BRAT
Disorderly places ZOOS
Dramatist Chekhov ANTON
Fitness regimen TAEBO
Flow partner EBB
Fountain order MALT
Game-show choice DEAL
Get news of HEAR
Golf-club parts SOLES
Harbinger OMEN
Harry Potter et al. WIZARDS
Help AID
Henry Ford's son EDSEL
Hit off the tee DROVE
Ill-wishers FOES
Jacob's first wife LEAH
Jargon suffix ESE
Last in a series ZEE
Loads ALOT
Long-term investment EBOND
Mardi Gras follower LENT
McCourt work TIS
Clues Answers
Mitigating prefix ANTI
New Zealand native MAORI
Nitrogen-hydrogen compound AMMONIA
No-nos DONTS
One-time go-between ATA
Part of a halter REIN
Patagonia locale CHILE
Pen full of oink STY
Piltdown Man, e.g. HOAX
Popular mixer SODA
Pre-owned USED
Recital performance SOLO
Rochester's love EYRE
Scallop's habitat SEA
Sea swirl EDDY
Sloth, for one SIN
Some decals IRONONS
Something sensed VIBE
Speed meas. MPH
Spilled the beans TOLD
Spotted SEEN
Stringed instruments LYRES
Suns and stars ORBS
The two BOTH
Tonal sense EAR
Turned up the volume AMPED
Unlikely to happen DIM
Uris novel TOPAZ
Utopia EDEN
Wall or well preceder DRY
Where a shoulder meets an arm SEAM
Wintertime comment BRRR
With 34 Across, ''True!'': Ptolemy/''False!'': Galileo THESUNREVOLVES
[Groan!] OHNO