The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 24,406 - Jun 29 2004

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Clues Answers
A capital officer - boom out the name! COLOMBO
A corner to play in Japan, all right? NOOK
A new look for Ivor NOVELLO
Able to turn back from island ELBA
Another fish will make a face at the burbot EELPOUT
Bachelor's home - a lodge in Cornwall PADSTOW
Chant softly while setting snare MANTRAP
Circulating slander among Corps leads to gossip SCANDALMONGER
Cut some clothes out! COSTUME
Direction which every thoroughfare takes EAST
Disconcert by having a party ABASH
Doubtful call over debts DUBIOUS
Fabrics one may want when suffering from cold TISSUES
Flower offered to domestic goddess NIGELLA
Identification at two points on certain dates IDES
In Sweden, pop group gets time (an hour) on Sunday SABBATH
Clues Answers
It's salad dressing in America and in Ireland MAYO
London police get about more than the Yard METRE
Loved ones taking marriage vow outside Leeds IDOLS
Make a pig of oneself - and do it thoroughly! GOTHEWHOLEHOG
Man maybe needing a bit of land ISLE
Painters of a little lion, first and second CUBISTS
Part of the church is in Western Avenue NAVE
Relax in the fresh air? BREATHEEASILY
Simple responses needed here ANSWERS
Suffer in the Channel Tunnel? UNDERGO
Swell material, we hear! SURGE
Team ten divers? You need some publicity for that! ADVERTISEMENT
The two take nothing from the stall BOTH
Traveller on a cruise to Russia VOYAGER
Wild men or wise men in Virginia SAVAGES
Wind then fog - painter left finally MISTRAL