The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 24,532 - Nov 23 2004

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Clues Answers
Agitated, restless FIDGETY
Athlete; narrow rug RUNNER
Beneath UNDER
Card suit CLUBS
Clue in fen (anag.) INFLUENCE
Crossings-out; cancellations DELETIONS
Fairytale monster ORC
Huge one; lie WHOPPER
Inundation FLOOD
Irish county KERRY
Lassitude INERTIA
Maritime disaster SHIPWRECK
More severe STERNER
Nerve gas SARIN
Clues Answers
Oldest, wisest Greek (Trojan Wars) NESTOR
Overweight OBESE
Rearrange cards SHUFFLE
Scottish river DEE
Sicilian capital PALERMO
Silicon computer components CHIPS
So is fin (anag.) FISSION
Synthetic fabric RAYON
Take court action SUE
Unravelled UNWOUND
Using reason LOGICALLY
Vase with handles URN
Wither away DIEOFF