The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 2,185 - May 11 2003

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Clues Answers
Are able to replicate the dance CANCAN
Break, but I have another just the same SNAP
By opening the seal, it somehow lets air through VENTILATES
Faithless? Don't you believe it! UNTRUE
Fat insect she found crawling inside FLESHY
Go back home, having been given a rise LEAVENED
Gracious! It's simply asking to be a windfall! BLOWMEDOWN
Had planted outside to have one followed SHADOWED
He's taken advantage of the bed and breakfast! KIPPER
Job in which you fly CAREER
Joins us round about ten: I arranged it UNITES
Making no attempt to conceal, comes back with clubs BATONS
Most of the men need a rest, on the whole ENTIRE
Of an admirer, assume it means 'not always' OFFANDON
Clues Answers
Or, in a foreign country, making a scene PANORAMA
Propose to make earlier PUTFORWARD
Rattled and tipped out, as the dice were THROWN
Removal from one's family tree? EXTRACTION
Right at the beginning, complaining of feeling ill AILING
Seat that's light SETTLE
Seeing what's worth stealing in the jacket? CASING
Smacking the older - could be ten, roughly REDOLENT
Some nut I found struggling with the Canadian police MOUNTIES
Stand the lot up against a tree that's rotten TOLERATE
Take a quick look at the shepherdess PEEP
Take in dessert FOOL
Warning of, when up and about FORE
Why one needs, in summer, to water various things SUNDRIES