The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 24,034 - Apr 21 2003

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Clues Answers
'I' gets so replicated by them EGOISTS
A grave commitment INTERMENT
A plant from the list THISTLE
Bill and Cyril worked producing fibre ACRYLIC
Canal-boat almost departed with wrong load GONDOLA
Cast in a devilish mould SATANIC
Circulatory system forcing one to walk to work TREADMILL
Combat in which one is put to the sword BULLFIGHT
Come round again about a despicable chap RECUR
Country school you realise is achieving, initially SYRIA
Criticises a levy, we hear ATTACKS
Defeat in counter-revolution TROUNCE
Dissipated period died out DISPELLED
Doctor should prescribe no water DROUGHT
Give up in pro game FORGO
Glance shows a student in fault DEFLECT
Clues Answers
How a knight obtains his armour? MAILORDER
How fantastic to be out and about OUTRE
In such rain, it's better than walking DRIVING
Leading Abyssinian drink NEGUS
Nerve - but not of steel BRASS
Not being in the same thing makes one excel OUTDO
One who helps to shed the load STEVEDORE
Prepare to sail away after the players CASTOFF
Sportingly, he takes over BATSMAN
Start with pain WINCE
Sumptuously entertains a chap with drinks REGALES
The big swell may be a bore TIDALWAVE
They admit they're often punched TICKETS
They are utterly conclusive LASTWORDS
Told of a family connection? RELATED
Upright, so may share our secret BEDPOST