The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 125 - Apr 8 2009

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Clues Answers
A blessing, including 'enlightened' one in emancipation ABOLITION
Airs bound to get Great Britain in extremely secluded place SONGBOOK
Aquatic hunter with angle to sell FISHHAWK
Bit parts as outlaw? BANDIT
City I built is unfortunately lacking university TBILISI
Clubs request a lot of beer, perhaps CASK
Computer list comes up with device editor not working UNEMPLOYED
Deficiency in whisky, perhaps a drop SHORTFALL
Deity unexpectedly taking chap heavenward in blast DYNAMITE
Editor accepts honour to attach journalist to military unit EMBED
English novelist has to be objected to AMISS
European notes among loads of money? Son's having none of it PENNILESS
Evil customers at a nice show SATANIC
Female artist's anxiety about line in cup SCULPTRESS
Imprisoned doctor drunkenly had coke but not heroin UNDERLOCKANDKEY
Clues Answers
Introduction to blessing of Pope holding ring, I rub tribe the wrong way URBIETORBI
It's not so sensible losing head in pursuit AFTER
Lord embracing holy woman or vice versa? SISTER
Raid botched over American range of operation RADIUS
Recovered from party, the object being to binge OVERDOIT
Region shortly to welcome Israelites, primarily? ZION
Skirt potential live performance involving northern radio fan GINGHAM
Smack in tale involved barely touching TANGENTIAL
Start burning unless turned over in dried up surroundings SETONFIRE
Stumped by prevalent conflict STRIFE
Sweeping changes finally cutting tax VAST
Time to give up? LENT
Wife in Australian spring-cleaning time cleaned with a broom SWEPT
Wrinkly bottom was best RUMPLED