The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 19 - Mar 2 2009

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Clues Answers
A Japanese porcelain IMARI
A liquid measure of 18 gallons KILDERKIN
An infectious disease that affects cattle, e.g. anthrax MURRAIN
British author of detective stories featuring Albert Campion ALLINGHAM
British food manufacturer, Rank Hovis -- MCDOUGALL
Coniferous tree CEDAR
English royal house that reigned from 1399 to 1461 LANCASTER
Genus of plants of the mallow family, yielding a jute substitute URENA
German song of the Second World War LILIMARLENE
In the Bible, a Hebrew priest and prophet who lived in the sixth century BC EZEKIEL
Inventor of the vacuum flask DEWAR
Jacqueline --, the first woman pilot to break the sound barrier COCHRAN
John of Plano --, a disciple of St Francis of Assisi CARPINI
Knot used for joining two ropes or cables together CARRICKBEND
Clues Answers
Margaret --, novelist and editor of 'The Oxford Companion to English Literature' (1985) DRABBLE
Massachusetts city, the site of the witchcraft trials and executions in 1692 SALEM
Nathaniel --, US writer of novels and short stories HAWTHORNE
One of the Mascarene Islands REUNION
Painting by Edvard Munch THESCREAM
Port in the Vale of Glamorgan BARRY
Queen Victoria, -- of India (1876-1901) EMPRESS
Ruined Incan city in Peru MACHUPICCHU
Scentless wild flower DOGVIOLET
The dog in Jerome K. Jerome's 'Three Men in a Boat' MONTMORENCY
The familiar name of the home ground of West Ham United FC UPTONPARK
The hereditary title of the head of the Ismaili sect of Muslims AGAKHAN
The part of the small intestine between the jejunum and the caecum ILEUM
The posterior median plate of the carapace of tortoises PYGAL