The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 23,816 - Aug 8 2002

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Clues Answers
An Italian on a panel is confused about it NEAPOLITAN
Assistant with first-class degree lost heart AIDE
Attached a paperclip on the outside and finished APPENDED
Comments when team is trapped ASIDES
Exercises if it's found in drinks SITUPS
Fish paste at first disturbed rich lad PILCHARD
Go for old record in sprint DEPART
Grumpy aunt reckons a change is needed CANTANKEROUS
Half-open situation of the enemy OPPOSITION
I'm back in present command DOMINATE
Innocent revolutionary game starts to build in character CHERUBIC
Intent on taking just one SINGLEMINDED
Look for a hairdresser! COMB
Missing pearls found in children's plaything SKIPPINGROPE
Clues Answers
On the level - a couple of little boys are beyond understanding PARANORMAL
Outburst of one taken in by deal TIRADE
Pretended to be somebody - and patronised me awfully IMPERSONATED
Realised assets were equal; did it change things? LIQUIDATED
Slip out? Underdress
Stamp book MARK
Surgeon found on call? OPERATOR
The crowd listened, disheartened HERD
The shine of attraction over the way LUSTRE
Troops separate people, temporarily at first DETACHMENT
Tyres, perhaps with spokes RADIAL
Underground TV TUBE
Woman who did nothing for Carthage? On the contrary! DIDO
Worried communist supporting tag BADGERED