The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 837 - Nov 23 2008

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Clues Answers
American candleberry tree Waxmyrtle
Apparatus for maintaining a constant low temperature Cryostat
Art gallery in Florence UFFIZI
Beef cut into long strips and dried in the sun CHARQUI
Bulbous Eurasian flowering plants NARCISSI
Completely change circumstances TURNTHETABLES
County town of Rutland OAKHAM
Device for converting energy DYNAMO
Dickens' work contributed initially to periodicals SKETCHESBYBOZ
Expecting a rise in stock market prices BULLISH
Indigenous religion of Japan SHINTO
Israelite tribe descended from Jacob and Leah�s eldest son REUBEN
Judicial rule barring one from denying truth from something already settled ESTOPPEL
Lons-le-Saunier is the capital of this French department JURA
Macaroon flavoured with a liqueur RATAFIA
Clues Answers
Marcus Porcius -- , opponent of Caesar CATO
Mother-in-law of Ruth in the Old Testament NAOMI
Native or inhabitant of Liverpool SCOUSER
Not in any manner or degree NOWISE
Part of computer keyboard to be pressed with another ALTKEY
Pavement in France TROTTOIR
Public or popular opinion VOXPOP
Revolving tray on a dining-table LAZYSUSAN
Scottish author of �The Citadel AJCRONIN
Small and inconspicuous northern constellation LEOMINOR
Someone new to a field or activity NOVICE
South African tableland KAROO
The open ocean MIDSEA
Toxic fast-acting herbicide PARAQUAT
Ynys Mon, county in North Wales ANGLESEY