The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 23,706 - Apr 2 2002

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Clues Answers live by northern mountain BEN
A mother accepts pressure, it's clear APPARENT
Aged Chris, criminal, now free DISCHARGE
Deficiency disease is contemptible SCURVY
Egyptian Christian executed - such a nerve OPTIC
Farm animals die, making basis for soup STOCKCUBE
Female animal and bird get a little wet DAMPEN
Finally phone in thanks for meal TEA
Hide me in part of the curtain assembly PELMET
Illuminated with much twinkling STARLIT
Impress with responsibility for house sale levy STAMPDUTY
In the records about soldier being babyish INFANTILE
Introduction before walk PREAMBLE
Jolly number keeps set dancing FESTIVE
Large rock rejected... BIG
Nurse about to get into vehicle CARER
Clues Answers
Nursing cold, bad head did this? ACHED
On table that's tilted LISTED
One stuffing food down under TUCKER
Rest for lung BREATHER
Revealing one's a raconteur? TELLTALE
Soldiers have gone for meal REPAST
Spot in which I fish PLAICE
Stupidity, holding saint to show madness INSANITY
Tar on highway overseas ABROAD
The marquis was so cruel SADISTIC
Theme to film TOPIC
Turtle's nesting site? DOVECOTE
Ugly woman gets the sack BAG
Viciously trample old knight TEMPLAR
Wary about companion's lustfulness LECHERY
What it supplies naturally gets cut off to stop one's drinking Corktree