The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 2,123 - Mar 3 2002

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Clues Answers
A quiet spot by an Oxford museum ASHMOLEAN
A short journey inside border for head of family, perhaps MATRIARCH
Adult and child - we carry outside swimsuits and the like BEACHWEAR
Adult class sent outside with nitrogen GROWNUP
Around end of proms, shame I messed up oratorio MESSIAH
Beast in redeveloped French resort ANTIBES
Bony, a langur, maltreated ANGULAR
Broadcast it in Wales, what weight-watchers watch? WAISTLINE
Bully, male, parking in narrow opening HENPECK
Cold fish BLEAK
Coral reef in the form of a ring ATOLL
Court finally presented with motive for act of betrayal TREASON
Disgusting negative is beginning to offend me NOISOME
Encourage father to drink drop of pop after batting INSPIRE
Explosive device in diver's net BOOBYTRAP
Film for thirty days SEPTEMBER
Clues Answers
Hint of pink lingerie INKLING
Italian dish, having a smell described by father POLENTA
Lie about book chart TABLE
Majestic, a state capital AUGUSTA
Pair pitched in all right in battle YPRES
Quarrel with marker ARROW
Resume running after black cat BURMESE
Smart choice crossing river PRICK
Solemn promise EARNEST
Stand unsteadily holding right foot TROTTER
That woman entering curious cafe NOSHERY
Tip load under first of bridges BONUS
Understanding how others feel, pay them out EMPATHY
Very large tip given by habitual drunkard, as one might put it SOTOSPEAK
Very little in street is attractive SWEET
Without hesitation, ask hotel abroad to accommodate one LIKEASHOT