The Telegraph - GENERAL CROSSWORD NO: 668 - Aug 21 2005

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Clues Answers
- - axe, Highland variety of halberd Lochaber
1951 film starring Gary Cooper DistantDrums
Bracken with antler-like leaves Staghornfern
Burrowing bivalve mollusc CLAM
Cause something to rise up UPREAR
Exhibition centre in London EARLSCOURT
Genus of the maple family ACER
Hand containing no card above a nine YARBOROUGH
Having the upper part too large for the lower TOPHEAVY
Having two toes in front and two behind Zygodactyl
Highly seasoned Indian rice dish Biriyani
Horny substance that grows on certain whales BALEEN
Industrial city in western Zimbabwe BULAWAYO
Inner cell of a temple Naos
Clues Answers
Jargon of poor news reports etc. JOURNALESE
Major and minor constellation URSA
Nigerian city, capital of Oyo state IBADAN
One who suffers a fear of crossing open spaces AGORAPHOBE
Potsherd or tile used for writing on in ancient Egypt OSTRACON
Resort in South Ayrshire Girvan
Route plans ROADMAPS
Ship with principal sails at right angles to the length of the vessel Squarerigger
Short-sightedness or near-sightedness MYOPIA
Solid with six sides or faces HEXAHEDRON
Station on Central Line CHANCERYLANE
These islands in the south-west Pacific are an overseas territory of New Zealand COOK
Unsightly body fat FLAB
Vital, relating to life Zoetic