The Telegraph - GENERAL CROSSWORD NO: 644 - Mar 6 2005

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Clues Answers
' - - Courage' play by Bertolt Brecht MOTHER
'Small shows last long, but - - storms are short' Shakespeare's Richard II (Act II, Scene I) SUDDEN
- - dig - beneath one's dignity INFRA
- - eleison, part of mass or communion service KYRIE
- - in the Water' Roman Polanski's first feature film KNIFE
A firearm with a spirally grooved barrel RIFLE
Alternative spelling for a Malay sailing-vessel PRAHU
Balance, be equal in weight EQUIPONDERATE
Bone-scraper Xyster
Brontë who wrote 'Wuthering Heights' EMILY
Burnt with an unsteady light FLICKERED
Colloquial word for trickery or deception JIGGERYPOKERY
Deserted place in western USA GHOSTTOWN
Dramatic entertainments performed outside STREETTHEATRE
High-quality scented black tea PEKOE
Clues Answers
Landing-stage built along the shore WHARF
Musical note equal to eight crotchets BREVE
Of a form of musical composition FUGAL
Of glass in appearance or physical properties VITRIC
Person who expects the worst PESSIMIST
Powerful Florentine family of bankers and merchants MEDICI
Rub hard in order to clean SCRUB
Scale of penalties established by law for sentencing those convicted of certain crimes TARIFF
Sealed transparent vessel for growing plants TERRARIUM
Spirit of reckless government expenditure SQUANDERMANIA
Tending to be boring and soporific SNOOZY
Tests of capacity and knowledge (inf.) EXAMS
The outlet of the milk ducts in female mammals NIPPLE
When there is as much chance of winning as there is of losing EVENS
White or grey with age HOARY